EXIM Queue finder : usage examples

The Email EXIM Queue finder permits you to search an email in EXIM Queue. Let suppose that you receive following outbound email warning from ASSP Deluxe

Now you want know which is the email content (Header and Body) of the email sent from the user gztdny using the email toby_campbell@gazetedu.net
Open your ASSP WHM interface, click the "EXIM Queue Finder" , enter the email toby_campbell@gazetedu.net , and click "Search Queue" .

You should receive a result like this below

Click one of these email, for example /var/spool/exim/input/k/1nkQQk-00069Z-Ea-H and you should be able to read the email Header and Body of the email.
Let suppose that you found an email like this ..

in this case the spammer to make your life harder encoding the body using base64. Let we use a base64 decoder that can decode the base 64 content , you can use this service for example.
Enter the base64 coded section and click "decode the data from a Base64 string (base64 decoding)" and cick "convert source data"

You will receive following decoded section

which is an unsolicited message sent from user gztdny ! You can now get actions to stop the outgoing local spammer ; you may suspend user gztdny or change password for email account toby_campbell@gazetedu.net or stop outgoing email for user gztdny. All these actions can be done using the Email queue finder too ! Click here for more info.